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Guides for Reading Groups and Educators

Readers Guide cover icon.jpg

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Readers' Guide to Calabash Stories

Readers' Guide to Calabash Stories

A guide for reading groups and individuals who are interested in examining and discussing the stories found in Calabash Stories.

The discussion prompts are general in nature and do not require familiarity with Hawaii, its cultures, or history.

Educators should look at the Educator's Guide (below) for curricula, activities, and discussions more suited to a classroom setting.

Educators Guide Xmas stories Cover Icon.

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Educator's Guide to "Christmas Stories"

Educator's Guide to "Christmas Stories"

An instructional aid for the teaching of "Christmas Stories," one of the short stories found in Calabash Stories.

Educators will find this guide a useful tool to understanding the story and encouraging classroom discussion. Includes student worksheets.

Educators can also use the Readers' Guide to Calabash Stories (above) for discussion prompts for all the stories.

Other Teaching Resources

Christmas Stories

Downloadable or streamable .mp3 audio files

Both parts were originally performed as radio plays by Aloha Shorts [defunct] on Hawaii Public Radio. It aired in two parts in December
2009 and was rebroadcast again in December 2010.

Trading Heroes

High resolution jpeg files of the baseball cards discussed in the story

Mike Lum card.jpg
Johnny Bench card.jpg

Wooing Elizabeth

High resolution jpeg files of postcards from the Hawaiian Wax Museum

Hawaiian Wax Museum Entrance postcard

Exterior of the Hawaiian Wax Museum

Kamehmeha the Great postcard

Kamehameha The Great with war god Ku

Kam III, Queen Liliu, Lunalilo postcard

King Kam III, Queen Liliuokalini & Lunalilo

Dancing whalers postcard

Dancing whalers

Duke Kahanamoku postcard

Duke Kahanamoku

Don Ho postcard

Don Ho

Hawaiian wahine postcard

Hawaiian wahine

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